A centrifuge is a piece of equipment used in laboratories and industries to separate liquids, optimize results, and increase overall efficiency. In most cases, industries use this equipment to split unmixable liquids and remove suspended solids.
Centrifuges, just like other machines, are prone to wear and tear. That is why repair services are critical.
What Causes Damage to a Centrifuge?
Your centrifuge is likely to break down if it is misused or operated inappropriately. One of the most prominent causes of centrifuge damage is lack of care and lubrication. If you fail to lubricate or maintain your centrifuge adequately, it will either malfunction or break down completely.
Moreover, if you don't check the compatibility of chemicals you use in your centrifuge, you risk corroding crucial parts, including the screw conveyor. Other components like the unit's wiring, sensors, and seals can also be damaged if excess material is fed into the conveyor.
More importantly, if you fail to observe frequent cleaning, your conveyor is more likely to suffer premature damage. As such, never forget to close the rotor lid, secure it properly, and always observe the maximum mass recommended for your centrifuge's rotor.
Signs to Look Out For
Consider hiring professional centrifuge machine repair services if your unit exhibits the following signs:
Unusual vibrations
Excessive vibration in a centrifuge is a tell-tale sign of damage. Ensure your operators are trained well enough to monitor and diagnose if your centrifuge has a problem based on its vibration levels.
Therefore, if your unit has started emitting louder-than-usual vibrations and weird sounds, expect anything ranging from mild misalignment of components to disastrous failure.
Deteriorating performance
Most control pieces of equipment come with cut points that tell you how functional their separation features are. When you start noticing a reduction in your centrifuge's cut point, start preparing for impending failure and damage.
Increase in temperature
Every centrifuge has allowable temperature limits. Anything beyond this should be taken as a possible sign of damage. Always be careful even if your centrifuge's temperature changes are within the allowable range.
Get Centrifuge Repair Experts
Your centrifuge has an inherent disposition to metal fatigue and consequential damage. That is normal and something to expect. However, as much as most damage and failures in centrifuges are harmless and easy to mitigate, at other times, they may turn out disastrous.
To ensure your centrifuge is efficiently calibrated, maintained, and repaired, always hire reputable professionals with accredited training and experience. Do not attempt the DIY route in centrifuge repair if you want to avoid catastrophic results in the future. To learn more, contact a centrifuge repair service.